Protected Staking Portfolio Guide

Monitoring your Protected Staking position.

Written by Stakehouse
Updated over a week ago


The Protected Staking Portfolio provides in-depth information about your Protected Staking position. This portfolio page can be accessed through the Stakehouse LSD Networks dApp on the Manage page by clicking the arrow next to “Protected LP Staking” under “Staked Position”.

The Protected Stake Portfolio page contains three sections of information about the ETH you have staked in the Protected Staking pool. The Protected Stake dashboard displays overview information about your staked position’s status and performance. The Validator List displays basic performance data for the validators that your ETH is staked in. At the bottom, the Validators’ Snapshots display in-depth performance data for each validator.

Protected Staking Dashboard

The Protected Staking dashboard contains several sections of information about the status and performance of your Protected Staking position:

  1. Total Rewards Earned - The total amount of dETH rewards earned by your Protected Staking position.

  2. Portfolio Assets - The amount of dETH and savETH you own.

  3. Portfolio Exchange Rates:

    • Contract - The sum of dETH earned plus the initial 24 dETH balance divided by the initial 24 dETH balance. This is based on the last Balance Report.

    • Live - The sum of dETH earned plus the initial 24 dETH balance divided by the initial 24 dETH balance. This is based on the last Balance Report. This is in reference to the Consensus Layer APR.

  4. Portfolio Details:

    • Total Number of KNOTs - The number of validators in which your ETH is staked.

    • Reward Percent - The percentage of profit returns you have made on your staked position in terms of your initial investment. This metric only applies to staking rewards.

    • Portfolio Payoff Rate - The average payoff rate of each validator considering its SLOT tokens, slashings, and top ups.

  5. Portfolio Yield Rate (APR) - The current annual percentage rate at which your staked ETH is earning staking rewards.

  6. Yield Rate Chart - Yield rate (APR) of your dETH over time (hourly, daily, & weekly).

Validator List

The Validator List provides basic performance information about each of the validators in which your ETH is staked (Protected Stake). The information is displayed as follows:

  1. Health Status - Overall health indicator for a validator (green = nominal, yellow = needs attention, red = issue).

  2. Validator Address - The validator’s public key.

  3. Current Delta - The real-time difference between the validator's current yield and the yield on the most recent Balance Report.

  4. Total dETH - The total amount of dETH you own for the validator.

  5. dETH Earned - The total amount of dETH earned by the validator.

  6. Percent of dETH Earned - The percentage of dETH earned by the validator respective to your portfolio.

Validator Snapshots

The Validator Snapshots provide in-depth information about each of the validators in the Validator List. The information on each of the snapshot dashboards is displayed as follows:

  1. Validator Yield Rate - APR of dETH within the validator.

  2. Validator Yield Rate Chart - View a validator’s current and past APR, consensus layer APR, and Balance Reports (hourly, weekly, & daily).

  3. Validator Details:

    • Validator Address - The validator’s public key.

    • Exchange Rate - The sum of dETH earned plus the initial 24 dETH balance divided by the initial 24 dETH balance. The exchange rate should never go down.

    • Current Delta - The validator’s current yield rate compared with the yield from its last Balance Report.

    • Validator Health Status - The metric that shows whether the validator is eligible for Ethereum Rewards or not.

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