Node FAQ

Answers to common node questions.

Written by Stakehouse
Updated over a week ago

Q: What node providers are compatible with Stakehouse?

A: All of them. There are no node requirements, so you can set up your own RPC endpoints and run any node client or hardware that you want. In other words, you have complete autonomy.

Q: Does Stakehouse provide node services?

A: No. You must set up and run your own node as a Solo Staker or Node Operator.

Q: What is an example of a Node Hardware provider?

A: Although there are several node service providers available, Dappnode is the first provider that comes to mind. We will be launching a Dappnode giveaway for LSD Network Node Operator Stakers in the near future. Check out this blog post to learn how you can enter to win a free Dappnode.

You can learn more about running nodes on the Ethereum network here.

Q: What happens if I don’t setup a node?

A: If your node goes offline, your validator may miss attestations. Missing attestations causes leakage of ETH funds. Make sure your node is connected to a reliable power source and strong internet connection to avoid this from happening.

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