Staking using Wagyu Keygen

Expert Mode Staking with Wagyu Keygen [Guide]

Written by Stakehouse
Updated over a week ago

This tutorial shows how to stake a validator with Stakehouse using the Wagyu Keygen tool.

To install the tool head over to Wagyu’s website and download the tool depending on the operating system.

  1. Once the tool is downloaded, you will be brought to the homepage.

  2. In the top-right corner, select the network for which the keys should be generated. This tutorial shows the staking on the Goerli/Prater network.

  3. After confirming the network, click on the “Create new recovery phrase” button. Once the below screen appears, click the “Create” button to start the process.

  4. After a few seconds, the tool will generate a mnemonic phrase. Please keep this phrase safe.

  5. Now, enter the recovery phrase. Click on the “Check” button to continue.

  6. Then create a password that would protect the Keystore password. It is crucial to keep the password safe.
    After entering the password, click on the “Use Advanced Inputs” button and the tool will prompt you to enter your “Ethereum Withdrawal Address”. Since, the staking process happens with the Stakehouse Protocol, head over to Stakehouse Deployment Contract Address and copy the “Account Manager” address (Make sure to choose the address for the correct network). The account manager address will be the Ethereum Withdrawal Address for this key.

  7. The tool again asks for the Keystore password as confirmation. After entering the password click on “Next” to move to the next screen.

  8. Click on the “Browse” button to choose the location for the files. The generated Keystore and deposit_data file will be saved in the chosen location. After selecting the location, click on “Create” to start generating the keys.

  9. Now that the Keystore file and deposit_data file is generated, head over to the Stakehouse Protocol dApp. Start the process of creating a validator by clicking on either the “Stake” or “Create a Validator” buttons.

  10. Click on the 3 dots (…) on the top right and enable the “Expert Mode”.

  11. Click the “Turn On Expert Mode” button to confirm.

  12. Since the files are already generated using the Wagyu Keygen tool, click on the “Continue” button to move on to the next screen

  13. On the “Validator Registration” screen, click on the “Choose file” button to upload the deposit_data file generated using the Wagyu Keygen tool.

  14. When the deposit_data file is uploaded, a confirmation pop-up appears. Click on the “Approve Transaction” button.

  15. The dApp will ask you to confirm the transaction. This registers the validator’s initials in the Stakehouse Protocol

  16. Next, upload the Keystore file generated by Wagyu Keygen.
    Please note that the Keystore file is not being stored anywhere. This process is used to authenticate the BLS Keystore, meaning the Stakehouse protocol verifies if the user owns the validator credentials.

  17. Enter the password that was previously entered to protect the Keystore file.

  18. Now click on the “Deposit” button to send 32 ETH to the Ethereum deposit contract and stake a validator

  19. Verify that the BLS Public Key shown in the pop-up matches the BLS Public Key in the Keystore file. Then click on the “Confirm” button to proceed.

  20. Next, confirm the transaction to send 32 ETH.
    Make sure that all the addresses are correct. The contract address shown under the “Contract Interaction” should be that of the “Transaction Router” smart contract of the Stakehouse Protocol.
    The transaction router will route your ETH to the Ethereum deposit contract for the specified network.

  21. Now that the transaction is successful. To find out more on how to set up a validator click here.

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